sound record/playback module with ISD1820 chip

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Description sound record/playback module with ISD1820 chip
Documentation DSI1820 module
Availability no longer available

This is small PCB with an ISD1820 sound record and playback chip. It contains a microphone, and requires an external 8 ohm speaker. Power is 3.3V max. As it, it can record 10 seconds (can be configure for up to 20 seconds of lower quality).

Related products:
M-LSP-1 small 100 ohm Kyocera speaker (surplus)
M-LSP-3 very small SMD 'sound generator' (surplus)
M-LSP-5 small speaker, 88 Ohm DC (surplus)
M-LSP-08-(2) compact speaker, 4 Ohm, 30W
M-LSP-09 very small speaker, 32 Ohm DC (surplus)
M-LSP-11 very flat small speaker, 8 Ohm
MOD-PLAYBACK-02 sound record/playback module with ISD1820 chip and speaker