basic set of components for "PIC microcontrollers"

This is the basic components set for the book "PIC microcontrollers - 50 projecten voor beginners en experts" (ISBN 978-90-5381-210-5). The book is available from $link-pic50-book-2-3e.
This set contains:
1 x 16F877 of 16F877A (dip40) + socket 1 x 16F628 (dip18) + socket 1 x 232 (dip16) + socket 1 x 741 (dip8) + socket 1 x 7805 (TO220) 1 x cristal 20 Mhz + 2 x C 20 pF elco 5 x 1 uF, 1 x 10uF C 5 x 100 nF, 1 x C 220 nF 1 x 9V clip 1 x DB09F connector potentiometers lineair 1k, 10k, 100k 1 x solderless breadboard 1 x wires (6 colors) LEDs 1 x green, blue, yellow, + 5 x red 1 x NTC 1k 1 x LDR 1 x mini speaker 2 x pushbutton switch resistors 8 x 330, 1 x 2k2, 1x 3k3, 4 x 10k, 2 x 33k